5 Signs You May Be In Need Of Rest.

You get the call to go help a friend. And you’re there. You’re the first one to bring over a home cooked meal for your sick neighbor. You care for family, friends and colleagues without a moment’s thought for yourself.

You’re blessed with a wonderful life. You’ve got a tribe to cheer you on, encourage you, and help you through trials.

So what do you do? Out of gratitude you give even more.

It’s wonderful to bless others as we can until we find ourselves needing to receive — rest.

Some signs you may be needing to take a break.

  1. You’re anxious and can’t sleep. Believe it or not anxiety can be your bodies way to tell you to slow down. When the stress becomes overwhelming it’s hard to unwind.

  2. You can’t focus. Life seems to whiz by in our productivity minded society. We give and give and are surprised to find we’re burnt out.

  3. We try to compete with others in their accomplishments. What’s a gift for one person may be a drain for another. It’s good to know what we’ve been called to do.

  4. Our relationships suffer. Sometimes my husband knows better than I do, actually he always seems to know when I need a break from business. And will tell me so! Make sure you have a loved one who will do that for you.

  5. This may sound obvious but when you’re feeling beyond tired to tackle the day. There’s a difference between a good tired from a day of hard work and play. And the kind of soul weary tired where you don’t want to get out of bed.

Have you been experiencing any or all of these signs? Maybe it’s time to get some rest.

Ironically, I’m writing this blogpost on a little get away my husband planned for my birthday. Hey, I’m working on learning to rest too!

A change of scenery and time away from daily responsibilities makes me positively giddy.

What are some ways you know you may be in need of a break? What are your favorite ways to get rest?

Isaiah 26:3

3 You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!

Kelly Anne LibertoComment