FINDING FREEDOM~ from depression to joy.

“Look after each other so that none of you  fails to receive the grace of God. Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many.” Hebrews 12:15 NLT

Fragile humans hurt. We hurt ourselves and each other. There’s no getting around it. Or is there?

Maybe you have been there. Despite your best efforts  you have felt the brunt of harsh treatment, abuse and/or toxic relationships.

You feel deeply. The constant battle is wearing you down.

Or, maybe you have been hit with disappointments and losses you cannot understand.

Why is this happening to you? You’ve tried to live the best life you can. And you intentionally treat others with kindness.

Years ago I stood in line to buy art supplies behind an older gentleman with white hair. The wait in line had been long and yet he stood erect with a smile on his face.

As we waited he turned to me and pointed to the store owner. “See that gentleman?”

He said, “we are the same age and we grew up together.”

I looked at the other gentleman and noted  his stooped back and grim demeanor.

He looked like he must be sick or in pain.

The man explained, “ there’s nothing physically wrong with him. He’s just cranky. It all depends on how you look at life. I am grateful, he is not.”

I don’t know how this man knew if the store owner was grateful or not except he obviously knew him. I also never forgot that lesson.

Because as a young girl I learned to ‘forget’ a bad experience of being molested. And it changed my personality. A happy, healthy child became a fearful and depressed teenager.

It wasn’t until I became an adult that I was mature enough to process what had happened. Only then could I heal and my joy return.

Can it be said that some of our problems come from within? That is to say there are old hurts, untended wounds in us that are being exposed by the difficult people we meet?

Maybe, if we look at that bitter root within us than the careless actions and comments of others will no longer bring us intense pain.

Of course it takes time to heal and let go of old abuses. And it helps to have a wise friend or counselor walk beside us to break from that bondage of offense.

There is a sweet relief in forgiveness.

The key to our freedom from bitterness is gratitude for the blessings God gives us. A generous dose of gratitude heals our hearts and opens a pathway to heaven.

Then we can feel free to enjoy the grace and peace of Christ. The best part is that when we acknowledge the problem and give to him, Holy Spirit takes over in the most amazing ways.

Thank you Father for using troubles to shine light on my old wounds and offense. I’m sorry for holding on to the bitterness of abuse from others. Forgive them for they were probably wounded in the same way. And as you have forgiven me I forgive each person who has intentionally or unintentionally hurt me. Thank you for the grace, Lord to let go and receive your healing that you provide on the cross. Bless those who would curse me. In Jesus name.